Le MINHDU lutte contre la Corruption

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Creative context

The Debt Reduction and Development Contract (C2D) is Cameroon’s largest debt cancellation and conversion program. Through this innovative mechanism, France decided on an additional bilateral effort to the HIPC initiative. The mechanism provides that the repayments made by the Cameroonian State in respect of the loans granted are returned to it to finance programmes to combat poverty and support economic growth.

In line with this, the C2D Program has had three phases (2006, 2011 and 2016), including interventions and investments in multiple sectors: agriculture, health, education, justice and police, drainage, etc., and in particular Urban Development, which, after targeting the cities of Douala and Yaoundé, was extended to the Regional Capitals, under the title «C2D Urbain Capitales Régionales» with as its main objective the sustainable improvement of access of urban populations to basic services in the cities of Bafoussam, Bertoua and Garoua (C2D 2011 «Regional Capitals 1») then Bamenda and Maroua (C2D 2016 - «Regional Capitals 2»).

Missions and Areas of Activity

The Program is dedicated on the one hand to the realization of Priority Investments (PIP) concerning infrastructures, Market Equipment, Urban Services, the improvement of the Living Environment and on the other hand to the strengthening of the capacities of local Project Management.
At the technical and operational level, the programme is housed in the MINHDU, with a number of prerogatives entrusted to the beneficiary CTD through the retrocession acts with a view to supporting decentralisation.


The target of the program is the populations of the cities of Bafoussam, Bertoua and Garoua for 2011 «Regional Capitals 1» as well as those of Bamenda and Maroua for «Regional Capitals 2»