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Application of Texts Governing Urban Planning and Declaration of Bertoua: Municipal Magistrates Sensitized

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During the different roundtables organized on the occasion of the celebration of the 2022 edition of the World Habitat Day (WHD) in Bertoua, it appeared that several Municipal Magistrates are unaware of or still misunderstand the regulations and procedures relating to urban planning, especially the texts governing this field such as the 2004 law and its implementation decrees. A recommendation was then made to the municipal magistrates, to appropriate the said texts, as well as the related international provisions and to share them with their municipal councillors and the populations.

This is the raison d’être of the series of sensitization workshops organized in the cities of Ngaoundéré on February 23, Garoua on March 2, Maroua on March 3 and Bafoussam on March 20 2023, on the texts governing urban planning in Cameroon and devoted to exchanges for more meaningful contributions to the improvement of the living conditions of the populations through an appropriate application of these texts. These meetings undoubtedly contribute to the reinforcement of the capacities of municipal magistrates on work control and make it possible to collect suggestions for an effective implementation of the said texts. They also contribute to the involvement of citizens in reflections that surround decision-making.

Indeed, the lack of knowledge of the texts leads to a non-respect of the rules and standards in terms of urban planning and construction. This creates numerous dysfunctions in the cities, resulting in the proliferation of shanty towns and vast areas of unhealthy housing, which in some cases cover more than 2/3 of the urbanized area. Whether in Ngaoundéré, Garoua, Maroua or Bafoussam, these exchanges will have enabled the actors to share good practices and experiences, to identify obstacles to the implementation of these texts and to formulate recommendations for improvement.

With regard to the popularization of the “Bertoua Declaration” on the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals in Cameroon, its objective is to promote the implementation of international agendas for the reduction of inequalities in cities. This declaration assesses progress and gaps in the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals in Cameroon and makes related recommendations.


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