1. La République du Cameroun a obtenu de l’Association Internationale de Développement (IDA) un crédit pour le financement du Projet de Développement des Villes Inclusives et Résilients (PDVIR). La cellule de coordination du projet de concert avec l’équipe de la Banque mondiale a adopté de mettre en place, une initiative de renforcement des capacités pour accroitre le nombre d’experts techniques sur le marché de l’emploi au Cameroun. Cette initiative qui se décline en effet en « un programme de stage professionnel en faveur des jeunes diplômés camerounais ». Ce programme a pour objectif de fournir une première expérience professionnelle aux jeunes diplômés de l’Enseignement Supérieur tout en les rendant utiles dans l’exécution des activités des projets et favoriser par conséquent l’insertion de ces jeunes dans le milieu professionnel.
2. L’objet du présent appel à Manifestation d’intérêt est de sélectionner 13 stagiaires professionnels qui devront effectuer leur stage pendant une période de six (06) mois éventuellement renouvelable une fois au sein de la Cellule de Coordination du PDVIR et des Unités techniques de liaison de Douala et Yaoundé.
3. La participation au présent appel à candidature est ouverte aux jeunes diplômés de l’Enseignement Supérieur de nationalité Camerounaise, dont l’âge est compris entre 23 et 30 ans au plus tard le 1er Janvier 2023. Chaque candidat intéressé devra avoir un diplôme ayant une ancienneté d’au plus 2 ans avant l’année de lancement de cet appel à candidature. Les candidats doivent avoir une bonne connaissance de l’outil informatique, et maîtriser le français et l’anglais. Les candidatures féminines sont particulièrement encouragées. Ce programme de stage concerne les domaines suivants : Comptabilité, Communication, Génie Civil, Génie Urbain, Passation des Marchés, Sauvegarde environnementale, Sauvegarde sociale, et Gestion administrative et Financière.
ii) Cellule de Coordination • Comptabilité (01) • Communication (01) • Sauvegarde environnementale (01) • Sauvegarde sociale (01) • Ingénierie (Génie Civil/ Génie Urbain) (02) • Passation des marchés (02) • Service Administratif et Financier (01)
ii) Unité Technique de Liaison de Douala • Sauvegarde environnementale (01) • Sauvegarde sociale (01)
ii) Unité Technique de Liaison de Yaoundé • Sauvegarde environnementale (01) • Sauvegarde sociale (01)
4. Les qualifications et aptitudes requises pour chaque candidat sont les suivantes : • Pour le poste de stagiaire en sauvegarde sociale, avoir un diplôme de niveau BAC + 5 au moins en sciences sociales (sociologie, anthropologie, psychologie) ; • Pour le poste de stagiaire en sauvegarde environnementale, avoir un diplôme de niveau BAC + 5 au moins en sciences de l’environnement, Management HSE ; • Pour le poste de stagiaire en comptabilité, gestion administrative et financière, avoir un diplôme de niveau BAC + 2 au moins en comptabilité, finance, économie, gestion ou fiscalité ; • Pour le poste de stagiaire en passation de marchés, avoir un diplôme de niveau BAC + 4 au moins en ingénierie, gestion, finance, commerce ou domaine connexe ; • Pour le poste de stagiaire en communication, avoir un diplôme de niveau BAC + 3 au moins en Sciences et techniques de l’information et de la communication ; • Pour le poste de stagiaire en ingénierie, avoir un diplôme de niveau BAC + 5 au moins en Génie Urbain ou Génie Civil.
En plus du diplôme spécifique requis suivant le domaine sollicité, chaque candidat devra : • Justifier les performances académiques par la production des relevés de notes des deux (02) dernières années d’obtention du diplôme ; • Attester de sa disponibilité à temps plein ; • Attester de son aptitude à exécuter des instructions avec humilité dans l’esprit d’apprentissage et de développement professionnel ; • Avoir une bonne capacité rédactionnelle et d’expression orale en français • Avoir une bonne connaissance de Microsoft Word, Excel et power point ; • Être capable de travailler efficacement en équipe et sous pression ; • Avoir l’esprit de confidentialité ; • Pouvoir exprimer ses idées en anglais serait un atout.
5. Au risque de voir son dossier rejeté, chaque candidat devra fournir un dossier comprenant : • Une lettre de motivation adressée au Ministre de l’Habitat et du Développement Urbain précisant clairement le domaine et l’institution dans laquelle il aimerait effectuer le stage ; • Un Curriculum vitae de 3 pages maximum daté et signé ; • Une photocopie de la carte nationale d’identité ; • Une copie légalisée du diplôme requis ; • Une photocopie légalisée des relevés de notes. Seuls les candidats remplissant les critères de qualifications seront conviés au test de sélection. Le dépôt des dossiers de candidature complets rédigés en français ou en anglais doivent être transmis uniquement par voie électronique à l’adresse mail suivante :; au plus tard le 07 avril 2023 à 18 heures du Cameroun et porter expressément la mention suivante : «AVIS D’APPEL À CANDIDATURE RELATIF À LA SÉLECTION DE JEUNES DIPLOMÉS POUR STAGE PROFESSIONNEL AU SEIN DU PROJET DE DÉVELOPPEMENT DES VILLES INCLUSIVES ET RÉSILIENTES (PDVIR)».
No more worries for Maroua inhabitants. With the inauguration of the Mizao bridge on March 4, 2023 by the Minister of Housing and Urban Development, Célestine Ketcha Courtes, all the protection works of Kaliao and Ziling river banks launched in 2018 are taking shape. Flood risks and their consequences, among which plots, chattels, equipments and goods destruction, faced in this city so far can be avoid.
It is precisely following continuous erosions of river banks and repeated flooding that the Mizao Bridge collapsed on August 23, 2019, dividing the city in two. The Head of State, H.E. Paul Biya, therefore prescribed urgent reconstruction works on the broken bridge, in order to restore traffic between Baoliyol neighbourhood and the rest of the city. One therefore had to build a submersible invert for immediate restoration of traffic before building the main crossing infrastructure. This infrastructure is made up of 60 metres combined steel and concrete bridge and lead tracks to the main infrastructure of 580 metres (including culverts and gutters).
The strategic importance of the bridge on the Mizao river is obvious. This bridge helps the populations of Palar, Baoliyol and Florina neighbourhoods and even those of surrounding villages to directly go to the regional hospital, some public services, markets and to the slaughter house at any time and seasons without going round to the Palar bridge; hence their great satisfaction. The Minister therefore used the opportunity to thank all the stakeholders who participated in the realisation of this infrastructure, which cost CFAF 5.2 billion, fully funded by the public investment budget.
As a reminder, protection works on the Mayo Kiliao and Ziling banks, divided in 08 critical points helped to protect 6 km of banks and to reinforce four supports of the Red Bridge. At the end of this project, we will have: 6 kilometers of protected banks divided in 08 points; the enhancement of the living conditions of 8,000 citizens who benefited from the project; the reconstruction of the Mayos’ banks in neighbourhoods: Domayo Bololo (30 meters wide for 1,420 meters); Baoliwol (15 meters wide for 1,560 m) and Kakataré (15 metres wide for 1,100 metres). The project will also enable the building of 4,400 metres of road alongside the banks. Finally, in addition to securing the banks and goods, this project helped to enhance the beauty of the city.
During the different roundtables organized on the occasion of the celebration of the 2022 edition of the World Habitat Day (WHD) in Bertoua, it appeared that several Municipal Magistrates are unaware of or still misunderstand the regulations and procedures relating to urban planning, especially the texts governing this field such as the 2004 law and its implementation decrees. A recommendation was then made to the municipal magistrates, to appropriate the said texts, as well as the related international provisions and to share them with their municipal councillors and the populations.
This is the raison d’être of the series of sensitization workshops organized in the cities of Ngaoundéré on February 23, Garoua on March 2, Maroua on March 3 and Bafoussam on March 20 2023, on the texts governing urban planning in Cameroon and devoted to exchanges for more meaningful contributions to the improvement of the living conditions of the populations through an appropriate application of these texts. These meetings undoubtedly contribute to the reinforcement of the capacities of municipal magistrates on work control and make it possible to collect suggestions for an effective implementation of the said texts. They also contribute to the involvement of citizens in reflections that surround decision-making.
Indeed, the lack of knowledge of the texts leads to a non-respect of the rules and standards in terms of urban planning and construction. This creates numerous dysfunctions in the cities, resulting in the proliferation of shanty towns and vast areas of unhealthy housing, which in some cases cover more than 2/3 of the urbanized area. Whether in Ngaoundéré, Garoua, Maroua or Bafoussam, these exchanges will have enabled the actors to share good practices and experiences, to identify obstacles to the implementation of these texts and to formulate recommendations for improvement.
With regard to the popularization of the “Bertoua Declaration” on the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals in Cameroon, its objective is to promote the implementation of international agendas for the reduction of inequalities in cities. This declaration assesses progress and gaps in the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals in Cameroon and makes related recommendations.
On March 4, 2023, the Minister of Housing and Urban Development launched two projects in Maroua, as part of the Debt Relief and Development Contract Programme “Urban C2D Regional Capitals” to the tune of XAF 25 billion. It took place in the presence of the French Ambassador to Cameroon, Thierry Marchand, and many other ambassadors from the European Union member countries.
The first project concerns the rehabilitation of surfaced road with roller-compacted concrete (RCC) and paving stones over a distance of 15 kilometres. It is being funded to the tune of XAF 17 billion, by the French Development Agency (AFD). The project also provides for the organizational capacity building of the city council and subdivisional councils.
The second project worth XAF 8 billion concerns “the acquisition of social facilities”, Dubbed “Maroua: Green, Inclusive and Sustainable City”, funded by the European Union (EU). It aims to improve resilience to climate change, as well as to strengthen the social inclusion and civic participation of women, youths and displaced persons. The project includes capacities building of RLAs on urban governance, construction and rehabilitation of infrastructures and green spaces and the promotion of income-generating activities for vulnerable persons, through the green and circular economy.
Specifically, it will provide the city of Maroua with significant proximity facilities, the first acquisitions, which have been visible since 2020, include: 240 public lighting points in Pont Vert, Hardé, Louggol and Pitoare neighborhoods; 2,874 linear metres of drinking water network extension in Pitoaré neighborhoods; 2 public toilets in Hardé and Pont Vert neighborhoods; 15 blocks of school latrines in 10 government primary schools in Maroua; 885 benches in 11 government primary schools.
In addition, under the same social component of the programme, we also witness road construction using the labour-intensive approach in Pont Vert, Hardé, Louggol and Pitoare neighbourhoods. It is funded by the International Labor Organization (ILO). To date, the pavement manufacturing workshop has been installed and the recruitment of youths is underway. The said projects should generate approximately 1,600 direct jobs and 6,700 indirect jobs in Maroua.
Several other projects whose contracts have already been launched will also start in the months ahead. These include: the construction of the Douggoi market (550 sales points), a multipurpose hall of 1,000 seats; three sub-markets at Pont Vert, Loumo Baba and Djarengol Kodek; 3 barbecue areas at Ministère du Soya, Founangué and Fassao; three multi-sporting grounds in Domayo, Fassao and Founangué; two daycare facilities in Domayo and Founangué, as well as the development of two gardens at Sous le Bois (opposite the Presidential Residence) and opposite the DO’s office.
Minister Célestine Ketcha Courtès recalled that all these projects launched in Maroua reflects the Head of State’s desire to ensure that all Cameroonian cities present a proud appearance “by achieving the urban SDGs on their scale: sustainability, inclusiveness, environmental resilience, security, so much for the well-being of populations”. “She added that, these significant investments, which have been made by the State with the support of its development partners, mark major steps ahead by our country towards achieving the SDGs”.
According to the Minister of Housing and Urban Development, these roads, sanitation, public lighting, construction of decent and affordable housing projects, place the city of Maroua resolutely and sustainably on the path to a beautiful resilient, safe, inclusive city, thereby achieving the SDGs. She invited all the stakeholders involved in the project to spare no efforts towards the full success of the projects and urged the populations to support the implementation of these infrastructures, as well as to make proper use of them for as the beneficiaries. Finally, she reminded everyone that she would, for her part, be very attentive to the quality and speed of work, especially in terms of compliance with the schedule and delivery of works.
With already nearly CFAF 24 billion used since 2017 for works related to the “C2D Regional Capitals” project, of which CFAF 23.4 billion allocated to the construction of 28 kilometres of roads and 0.6 billion granted for the acquisition of commercial facilities, the City of Garoua keeps transforming everyday. The Minister of Housing and Urban Development, Célestine Ketcha Courtès, on a working visit in the City on 4 March 2023 pointed out the same.
One of the most emblematic realizations is undoubtedly the Yalwa market sanitation works, as well as the development of Parc Boisé, which are fully comppleted. On this occasion, Parc Boisé served as acceptance ceremony venue of the works for both projects. The Minister, Célestine Ketcha Courtès, who was pleased with the quality of the works, nevertheless prescribed some readjustments. It should be noted that, this park, which has a great economic potential, and is well equipped with adapted infrastructures (restaurant, playgrounds, green space), will undoubtedly become one of the most popular locations for the inhabitants of the city. Similarly, the paving of lane A of Yelwa market have helped to improve users traffic flow. Well managed, the market which now has a great potential in terms of space, is expected to generate significant financial resources to the City Council. The Minister of Housing and Urban Development also visited other projects being completed, like the fish and livestock market, as well as the Year 2000 Garden.
The Minister’s attention was also caught by other road projects underway as part of MINHDU’s PIB, AfFCON and PLANUT projects. These are works on access roads to the Ribadou Hotel, as well as the Montelplaza – Independance Square stretch, with a progress rate of 98%. She instructed the acceleration of finishing works on Gashiga road and requested street lights installation at “Carrefour 8”. Furthermore, the Minister revealed that the City of Garoua will host the next edition festivities of the World Habitat Day in October.