Le MINHDU lutte contre la Corruption

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Location-accession à la propriété immobilière

Location-accession à la propriété immobilière

Le Gouvernement offre des facilités

La cérémonie de signature des projets d’arrêtés conjoints Minhdu/Minfi fixant les plafonds des revenus pour l’accès aux logements sociaux ainsi que les taux minima et maxima d’affectation de la redevance dans la location-accession au Cameroun s’est tenue le 20 septembre 2024 au Ministère de l’Habitat et du Développement urbain.

Fixer les conditions de location et de location-accession aux logements construits ou en cours de construction dans le cadre du Programme Gouvernemental de construction de 10 000 logements sociaux et d’aménagement de 50 000 parcelles constructibles à travers le pays ainsi que de tous les projets de logements lancés par le gouvernement. C’est l’objectif visé par les projets d’arrêts conjoints MINHDU/MINFI signés ce 20 septembre 2024.

Lesdits logements sont depuis mis en commercialisation à travers un Mandat de gestion signé depuis le 30 décembre 2019 entre l’Etat du Cameroun représenté par le Ministère de l’Habitat et du Développement urbain et le Ministère des Domaines, du Cadastre et des Affaires Foncières d’une part, et d’autre part la Société Immobilière du Cameroun (SIC). Ce mandat de gestion prévoit trois modes de commercialisation à savoir : la location simple, la location accession et la vente.

Les projets d’arrêtés conjoints MINHDU/MINFI signés ce 20 septembre 2024 viendront ainsi clarifier les zones d’ombre et fixer les plafonds des revenus pour l’accès aux logements sociaux au Cameroun et les taux minima et maxima d’affectation de la redevance dans la location-accession à la promotion immobilière. Ces projets de texte, il faut le rappeler, sont essentiellement tirés des dispositions de la loi n°2009-010 du 10 juillet 2009 régissant la location-accession à la propriété immobilière et de l’arrêté N°0009/E/2/MINDUH du 21 août 2008 fixant les normes d’habitat social.

La mise en œuvre du projet d’arrêté sur les plafonds oriente les plafonds de revenus susceptibles de garantir l’acquisition des logements et le respect de l’échéance de paiement. Ainsi donc, le plafond des revenus pour l’accès aux logements sociaux est tiré de la phase expérimentale des programmes en cours qui sont les premiers du genre et peuvent être considérés comme cas d’école.

Pour ce qui est du projet d’arrêté conjoint MINHDU/MINFI fixant le taux minima et maxima d’affectation de la redevance dans la location-accession, la redevance est la contrepartie du droit d’option de l’accédant. Elle comporte une partie correspondant aux droits de l’accédant à la jouissance du logement et une partie correspondant au paiement anticipé du prix du logement. Ainsi donc, les taux minima et maxima de la redevance correspondent à la quotité cessible ou saisissable des revenus des accédants.

Pour le Ministre Célestine Ketcha Courtès qui présidait la cérémonie en compagnie de son homologue, Louis Paul Motaze, Ministre des Finances, l’application de ces arrêtés permettront de toucher les couches les plus vulnérables de la population. « Il s’agit d’une étape importante de notre engagement à adresser la problématique du logement dans nos villes, notamment la propriété immobilière… Ce projet s’érige avec la prétention de répondre à une partie de l’attente forte des populations. », a-t-elle indiqué. « Le Gouvernement…., a-t-elle poursuivi, à la lumière du cap sus évoqué et fixé par la Très Haute Hiérarchie, s’est engagé à concevoir et réaliser des programmes immobiliers pour promouvoir l’inclusion et faire en sorte que les citadins profitent équitablement des opportunités offertes par la ville, car, la ville que nous voulons bâtir est celle qui évite de produire à grande échelle de « laissés-pour-compte » en remplissant sa fonction sociale et en garantissant l’association de tous. »
Ces projets des textes conjoints sont le fruit de plusieurs concertations entre les acteurs dont le MINHDU, le MINFI, MINDCAF, MINEPAT, la SIC, la MAETUR, les promoteurs et agents immobiliers, qui a permis de prendre en compte toutes les préoccupations et contributions. D’où l’appel du ministre de l’Habitat et du Développement urbain pour la poursuite d’une synergie d’actions entre les acteurs concernés. Car a-t-elle martelé : « Chaque logement décent construit est un pas de plus vers les villes sures et résilientes, et au bout du compte, vers l’émergence. Cet objectif vital fixé par le Chef de l’Etat ne concerne pas que le Gouvernement, il est l’affaire de tous, populations, autorités, élites, techniciens, opérateurs économiques, financiers, etc. Chacun, à sa place dans notre société, peut et doit y contribuer ».


Project for the Development of Inclusive and Resilient Cities (PDVIR): Yaoundé Can Savour its Mobility and Connectivity

Project for the Development of Inclusive and Resilient Cities (PDVIR): Yaoundé Can Savour its Mobility and Connectivity

The Minister of Housing and Urban Development, Célestine Ketcha Courtès, is visited the city of Yaoundé on Wednesday 11 September 2024 to assess progress achieved by the Development of Inclusive and Resilient Cities Project (PDVIR) in the city.

This field visit is taking place in the Yaoundé 5 and Yaoundé 7 Councils, more specifically in Nkolmesseng and Oyomabang neighbourhoods. The rehabilitation of the road network through the PDVIR represents a major achievement in the policy of transforming cities and improving living conditions in under-equipped neighbourhoods desired by the Head of State and implemented by MINHDU with the support of the World Bank. MINHDU will soon be delivering nearly 15 km of tarred road in these two neighbourhoods under the PDVIR.

During her visit to the worksites, Célestine Ketcha Courtès assessed work already completed and provided guidance on how to improve the pace of work. It should be noted that at the beginning of September 2024, the rate of progress per section fluctuates between 85% and 95%, enabling freshly tarred roads to be opened to traffic.

For Nkolmesseng, this involves construction work on several sections of primary roads and a 5-kilometre boulevard linking several major junctions: Lycée bilingue Junction – Momebelengal Junction – Fabrique Junction – Safari Junction – Ottou Junction – Tradex Eleveur Junction. In addition to this linear road network, there is further 2.636 km of road linking Safari Junction, Fabrique Junction, Momebelengal Junction and Mebe City Junction. Gone are the dust and mud of this once isolated and sometimes mocked neighbourhood, replaced by a newly-created road linking Safari Junction to Tradex Éleveur Junction via Le Chef.

In Oyomabang, the local population will benefit from around 5.6 km of road, divided into five sections: Petit Marché Oyomabang Junction – Camp Sonel Oyomabang Junction; Camp Sonel Oyomabang Junction – Leboudi Road Junction; Camp Sonel Oyomabang Junction – Centre Oyomabang Junction; Centre Oyomabang Junction – Nkolbisson Junction; Centre Oyomabang Junction – Evouna Bella Junction. The rehabilitation of these sections is a great relief to the local population, who had to struggle to get around both in the wet and the dry seasons.
The happiness of the population in these two councils of the city of Yaoundé is nothing but the culmination of the vision of the President of the Republic, which is to improve urban management and access to infrastructures in selected urban areas in general, and under-equipped neighbourhoods in particular, and to increase resilience to natural hazards and other possible crises.

The PDVIR is financed by the World Bank at a total cost of 93 billion CFA francs and by the Cameroon Government. This funding is mainly intended to improve the living conditions of people in under-equipped neighbourhoods, through the construction of structural roads, drains and local community facilities. Ultimately, the PDVIR is expected to have a positive impact on 651,400 direct beneficiaries, whose living conditions are getting improved.

As a reminder, the Inclusive and Resilient Cities Development Project (PDVIR) supports the RLAs in implementing activities in seven cities in Cameroon: Batouri, Douala, Kousséri, Kumba, Maroua, Ngaoundéré and Yaoundé, funded by the World Bank.



A lot people gathered around the Minister of Housing and Urban Development during the meeting to present the Ebolowa 2024 World Habitat Day to the partners. This took place in the meeting room on the first floor of the Ministerial Building N0. 1 on Wednesday, 04 September 2024. In addition to MINHDU’s closest collaborators, the large delegation from the South region, led by the Chairperson of the Regional Council, Mr Mve Emmanuel, included the Lord Mayors of the city of Ebolowa. As for the partners, several general managers, who accompanied MINHDU in previous WHD celebrations since 2019, turned out in force, as did those wishing to become partners. Célestine Ketcha Courtès availed the opportunity to share the World Habitat Day concept with all her partners, and above all to present the challenges of the Ebolowa 2024 edition, whose theme focuses on the youths.

On 7 October this year, alongside the international community, our country will celebrate the 2024 edition of the World Habitat Day under the theme: “Engaging the Youths for a Better Urban Future”. The United Nations General Assembly, in its resolution 40/202 of 17 December 1985, designated the first Monday of October every year as the “World Habitat Day”, which emphasizes the fundamental right of all people to adequate housing and calls on the international community to assume its collective responsibility for the future of human settlements. It reminds the world that we all have the power and the responsibility to reflect on the state of our cities and towns, and to shape the future.

Housing is at the core of Goal 11 of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals adopted at the World Summit on Sustainable Development. It is about ensuring access to adequate and affordable housing and basic services for all by 2030. It also aims to improve transportation systems and road safety. In addition, it aims to promote, by 2020, inclusive, resource-efficient, climate change-adaptive and mitigating, and disaster-resilient housing.

According to UN-Habitat guidelines, the choice of the youths as the theme aims to reflect on how to harness the energy, the creativity and the perspectives of young people, so that they can contribute to more sustainable and equitable urban development, thus ensuring a better future for all. The activities to be carried out during this celebration will therefore aim to highlight the central role of young people in urban development, whether in urban planning, housing development, the promotion of sustainable practices or the fight against climate change; hence the national theme ‘Cameroonian youths, key players in the sustainable modernization of our cities’.

The Minister of Housing and Urban Development seized this opportunity, during her presentation to the partners on 4 September 2024, to hail the contribution of the Minister of State, Minister of Higher Education, in mobilizing the Elite of the South, and the Minister of Youth and Civic Education, a major supporter of the 2024 edition of the World Youth Day. To this end, the MINHDU stated: “I am expecting a massive mobilization of youth organisations, which will be provided with free exhibition space in the Habitat Village, to encourage them to promote innovative solutions aimed at improving government policies and strategies”. MINHDU’s exhortation is based on this quote from the Head of State in his speech to the youths on 11 February 2024: “Do not lose sight, my dear young compatriots, that you are the present and the future of Cameroon. You have the noble responsibility of pursuing, with faith and determination, the exciting work of building this strong and prosperous Nation. You know that you can always count on me. All the time”.

Mass Production of Housing: Seven Hectares of Land Available for Real Estate Developers in Mbanga Bakoko/Douala.

Mass Production of Housing: Seven Hectares of Land Available for Real Estate Developers in Mbanga Bakoko/Douala.

Le bulldozer du développement urbain était sur le terrain . À travers l’inpection des chantiers ce mardi 3 septembre 2024, Célestine Ketcha Courtès dans sa rigueur habituelle a apprécié a sa juste valeur la réhabilitation du carrefour Nkol-Eton qui plombait la sortie ouest de Yaoundé. Elle a tout aussi salué les travaux en cours au Marché Nkol-Eton en prodiguant de bons conseils pour la gestion des ordures et l’évacuation des eaux usées avant de prescrire l’implication de tous les acteurs pour une accélération des travaux et pour la fluidité du trafic pendant la rentrée mais surtout l’utilisation responsable et la préservation de ces belles infrastructures prescrites par le Chef de L’Etat SEM Paul Biya. Avec fermeté le Ministre a instruit des actions fortes contre les entrepreneurs du désordre urbain et de l’insalubrité dans la cité Capitale.

Dans le cadre de l’amenagement urbain, l’agenda du Minhdu pour l’annee 2024 prévoit entre autres projets des contructions, d’aménagement et de réhabilitation de plusieurs voiries stratégiques telles que ROND POINT- BATA NLONKAK OU ENCORE MOBILE OMNISPORT-HOTEL LE PARADIS en passant par MOSQUÉE NGOUSSO, la lutte contre de désordre urbain et des actions fortes pour l’amélioration des conditions de vie des populations.

Ce jour à Yaoundé, dans la région du centre, la descente de Célestine Ketcha Courtès qu’accompagnaient les Autorités Administratives et des Forces de maintien de l’ordre sur le terrain, a permis de noter la gratitude des populations au Chef de l’Etat SEM Paul BIYA, pour la qualité des travaux exécutés marquant le respect de son engagement à moderniser Yaoundé

De Longkak à Mbankolo en passant par Simbock , Nkoleton, Messassi Fouda, Manguier Ngousso, Cradat, Nsimeyong, Accassia, Happy, Odza, Emana et autres , l’on peut noter que le Minhdu est en action pour l’amélioration de la mobilité urbaine dans la cité capitale.

Rendu au deuxième semestre de l’année 2024, le ministre Célestine Ketcha Courtès mets un point d’honneur sur le calendrier des travaux et le respect des cahiers de charge afin de s’assurer du bon déroulement des travaux et de l’évolution et du respect des délais fixés.

A chaque étape, il a été question de Visiter un certain nombre des travaux et ouvrages, et lever les blocages pour Conduire à un meilleur achèvement des projets engagés :

le chantier de construction des boutique par la communauté urbaine devant Mélina hôtel en plein centre ville reste problématique. Dans le cadre de la lutte contre le désordre urbain, Le Ministre de l’habitat a precrit l’arrêt immédiat des travaux, invitant les administions concernées à travailler en synergie, et sous l’encadrement des services compétents du MINHDU .

Avec satisfaction generale et des instructions fermes à chaque étape, le Ministre s’est rendu sur les axes Carrefour Bastos-restaurant Istanbul-Ambassade de Suisse (1805 ml)Rond-Point Nlongkak-Marché Nkoleton-Feux tricolore Bata Rond-Point Nlongkak Bata Nlongkak-Vers Mballa II Marché Messassi- Carrefour Fouda où sont exécutés les réhabilitation en BCR et BBME, invitant l’entreprise à continuer avec sérénité.

Les travaux préliminaires de la section urbaine de l’autoroute Yaoundé-Nsimalen qui ont effectivement débuté avec le recalibrage du lit du Mfoundi derrière le bois Saint Anastasie, ont retenu l’attention du Ministre qui a Demandé une solution d’urgence sur le site querellé afin que l’entreprise accélére les travaux.

De façon générale, le ministre de l’habitat et du développement à invité les populations a contribuer sans réserve à la grande campagne d’hygiène et de salubrité en cours.

Mass Production of Housing: Seven Hectares of Land Available for Real Estate Developers in Mbanga Bakoko/Douala.

Mass Production of Housing: Seven Hectares of Land Available for Real Estate Developers in Mbanga Bakoko/Douala.

As part of the Implementation of the Governmental Programme to construct 10,000 social housing units and to develop 50,000 building plots, the Mbanga-Bakoko site was chosen in the city of Douala on a total area of 30 hectares. To this end, the Government of Cameroon, through the Chinese cooperation, has made available a land base to be developed. Following investments which made Mbanga-Bakoko a real new town, an undeveloped area of seven (7) hectare had been reserved to promote a social mix through constructions of different standings. Following the release due to illegal occupation, MINHDU, the project owner of this program, launched a call for project proposals both from the LRAs, the private and semi-public sectors for a coherent enhancement according to the Government’s vision.

Thus, at the end of the examination of various offers, MINHDU Technical Services and the Urban and Rural Land Development Authority (MAETUR) worked together and agreed for a joint development to the tune of nearly 5 billion purpose of the memorandum of understanding signed on 20 August 2024. In fact, a working group has been set up to prepare and examine the draft convention, the program outline and the institutional framework likely to govern such agreement.

The purpose of this agreement is to define the contractual framework by which the MINHDU and the MAETUR pledge to develop a land base with a surface area of approximately seven (7) hectares located in MBANGA-BAKOKO for the creation of a mixed and multifunctional housing area comprising:

  • Areas of collective housing plots intended for real estate promotion;
  • Areas for commercial and service activities;
  • Major and local community facilities:
  • Educational and health facilities;
  • Religious and cultural facilities;
  • Treatment plant;
  • Green and leisure spaces.

Content of work

For the planned services, MAETUR will be responsible for:

  • – Project management including:
  • The technical and financial set-up of the project;
  • The search for funding;
  • General project management.
  • – The execution of various studies:
  • Hydrological studies;
  • Geotechnical studies for planned roads;
  • Excavation studies;
  • Development studies including:
  • Topographic surveys;
  • Urban planning studies with production of a sub-division file (in order to obtain the subdivision permit) and a 3D rendering in computer-generated images;
  • Technical studies of roads and various networks (VRD) (supply of drinking water, electricity and optic fibre, waste water Treatment, etc.);
  • Environmental and Social Impact Assessments.

Development works shall include:

  • Site cleaning and earthworks;
  • Construction of drinking water and electricity supply networks with the support of network dealers;
  • Road networks:
  • The coating of the primary roads with bituminous concrete, secondary in tri-layer and tertiary in bi-layer;
  • Rainwater drainage with gutters and reinforced concrete discharge structures- Electricity supply;
  • Drinking water supply;
  • Wastewater treatment by a collection network and treatment plant;
  • Demarcation of plots and preparation of technical files;
  • Development of green spaces.
  • Monitoring and control of development work;
  • The marketing of developed plots.

Secondary, tertiary and quaternary roads and RVNs will be financed by the beneficiaries of the land bases, namely Real Estate Developers, through the purchase of plots in a future state of completion.

The MAETUR will take care of:

  • The mobilization of the necessary funds to launch work;
  • Recovery of funds from the beneficiaries of the land bases.

 The above-mentioned services will take place over a period of twenty-four (24) months from the date of registration of the convention.



For the 2024 budget year, 600 struggling urban youths are being trained for a month in paving stones production and laying techniques in the councils of Yabassi, Njombe Penja, Mbandjock, Nkoteng, Njimom and Massangam.

The training sessions were launched on 5 August and will end on 2 September 2024. The said training is subdivided into 3 lots, as follows: Lot 1: Massangam and Njimom, 100 youths per Council; Lot 2: Njombé Penja and YABASSI, 100 youths per Council and finally Lot 3: Mbandjock and Nkoteng, 100 youths per Council. A practical case will be carried out on a training work site.

In the same vein, Bangangté Urban Youths Empowerment Center (CIJ) has been engaged since February 2024 in supporting self-integration and the provision of paid jobs. Among other things, the young entrepreneurs trained are equipped on the new avenues of wealth creation (recycling of plastics into paving stones, agriculture and livestock), support in the search for funding (setting up projects and referral to Government programs, banks, micro finance and elites) participation in entrepreneurship competitions, organization of awakening fairs, etc. Specifically with regard to the recycling of plastic in paving stones, the centre brought together young people around a collection and transformation project, in partnership with the Divisional Delegation of the Environment. Currently, 15 youths are mobilized in a production unit that transforms plastic into paving stones every Thursday. While helping to preserve the environment, these young people produce extremely strong paving stones and actively seek markets to create wealth. Regarding support for project funding, the youth groups of the centre are currently participating in an entrepreneurship challenge organized by the Ministry of Youth Affairs (Minjec) and the World Bank, with the effect of financing the best joint projects. These training courses are based on the “Cities for All” programme, which develops innovations in favor of an inclusive urban future, by matching the demand for employment through practical, short-term training for the benefit of struggling young urban dwellers in the urban sector. This helps a category of vulnerable youths to meet the requirements of the market economy which requires applicants to have prior knowledge. This training also aims to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), in particular Goal 11.
