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Launching of C2D Regional Headquarters in Maroua: MINHDU Announces the Mobilization of XAF 25 billion

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On March 4, 2023, the Minister of Housing and Urban Development launched two projects in Maroua, as part of the Debt Relief and Development Contract Programme “Urban C2D Regional Capitals” to the tune of XAF 25 billion. It took place in the presence of the French Ambassador to Cameroon, Thierry Marchand, and many other ambassadors from the European Union member countries.

The first project concerns the rehabilitation of surfaced road with roller-compacted concrete (RCC) and paving stones over a distance of 15 kilometres. It is being funded to the tune of XAF 17 billion, by the French Development Agency (AFD). The project also provides for the organizational capacity building of the city council and subdivisional councils.

The second project worth XAF 8 billion concerns “the acquisition of social facilities”, Dubbed “Maroua: Green, Inclusive and Sustainable City”, funded by the European Union (EU). It aims to improve resilience to climate change, as well as to strengthen the social inclusion and civic participation of women, youths and displaced persons. The project includes capacities building of RLAs on urban governance, construction and rehabilitation of infrastructures and green spaces and the promotion of income-generating activities for vulnerable persons, through the green and circular economy.

Specifically, it will provide the city of Maroua with significant proximity facilities, the first acquisitions, which have been visible since 2020, include: 240 public lighting points in Pont Vert, Hardé, Louggol and Pitoare neighborhoods; 2,874 linear metres of drinking water network extension in Pitoaré neighborhoods; 2 public toilets in Hardé and Pont Vert neighborhoods; 15 blocks of school latrines in 10 government primary schools in Maroua; 885 benches in 11 government primary schools.

In addition, under the same social component of the programme, we also witness road construction using the labour-intensive approach in Pont Vert, Hardé, Louggol and Pitoare neighbourhoods. It is funded by the International Labor Organization (ILO). To date, the pavement manufacturing workshop has been installed and the recruitment of youths is underway. The said projects should generate approximately 1,600 direct jobs and 6,700 indirect jobs in Maroua.

Several other projects whose contracts have already been launched will also start in the months ahead. These include: the construction of the Douggoi market (550 sales points), a multipurpose hall of 1,000 seats; three sub-markets at Pont Vert, Loumo Baba and Djarengol Kodek; 3 barbecue areas at Ministère du Soya, Founangué and Fassao; three multi-sporting grounds in Domayo, Fassao and Founangué; two daycare facilities in Domayo and Founangué, as well as the development of two gardens at Sous le Bois (opposite the Presidential Residence) and opposite the DO’s office.

Minister Célestine Ketcha Courtès recalled that all these projects launched in Maroua reflects the Head of State’s desire to ensure that all Cameroonian cities present a proud appearance “by achieving the urban SDGs on their scale: sustainability, inclusiveness, environmental resilience, security, so much for the well-being of populations”. “She added that, these significant investments, which have been made by the State with the support of its development partners, mark major steps ahead by our country towards achieving the SDGs”. According to the Minister of Housing and Urban Development, these roads, sanitation, public lighting, construction of decent and affordable housing projects, place the city of Maroua resolutely and sustainably on the path to a beautiful resilient, safe, inclusive city, thereby achieving the SDGs. She invited all the stakeholders involved in the project to spare no efforts towards the full success of the projects and urged the populations to support the implementation of these infrastructures, as well as to make proper use of them for as the beneficiaries. Finally, she reminded everyone that she would, for her part, be very attentive to the quality and speed of work, especially in terms of compliance with the schedule and delivery of works.


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