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Inauguration of the Mizao Bridge in Maroua by the Minhdu

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No more worries for Maroua inhabitants. With the inauguration of the Mizao bridge on March 4, 2023 by the Minister of Housing and Urban Development, Célestine Ketcha Courtes, all the protection works of Kaliao and Ziling river banks launched in 2018 are taking shape. Flood risks and their consequences, among which plots, chattels, equipments and goods destruction, faced in this city so far can be avoid.

It is precisely following continuous erosions of river banks and repeated flooding that the Mizao Bridge collapsed on August 23, 2019, dividing the city in two. The Head of State, H.E. Paul Biya, therefore prescribed urgent reconstruction works on the broken bridge, in order to restore traffic between Baoliyol neighbourhood and the rest of the city. One therefore had to build a submersible invert for immediate restoration of traffic before building the main crossing infrastructure. This infrastructure is made up of 60 metres combined steel and concrete bridge and lead tracks to the main infrastructure of 580 metres (including culverts and gutters).

The strategic importance of the bridge on the Mizao river is obvious. This bridge helps the populations of Palar, Baoliyol and Florina neighbourhoods and even those of surrounding villages to directly go to the regional hospital, some public services, markets and to the slaughter house at any time and seasons without going round to the Palar bridge; hence their great satisfaction. The Minister therefore used the opportunity to thank all the stakeholders who participated in the realisation of this infrastructure, which cost CFAF 5.2 billion, fully funded by the public investment budget.

As a reminder, protection works on the Mayo Kiliao and Ziling banks, divided in 08 critical points helped to protect 6 km of banks and to reinforce four supports of the Red Bridge. At the end of this project, we will have: 6 kilometers of protected banks divided in 08 points; the enhancement of the living conditions of 8,000 citizens who benefited from the project; the reconstruction of the Mayos’ banks in neighbourhoods: Domayo Bololo (30 meters wide for 1,420 meters); Baoliwol (15 meters wide for 1,560 m) and Kakataré (15 metres wide for 1,100 metres). The project will also enable the building of 4,400 metres of road alongside the banks. Finally, in addition to securing the banks and goods, this project helped to enhance the beauty of the city.


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