Le MINHDU lutte contre la Corruption

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The website of the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development (MINHDU) has been redesigned. The new look at www.minhdu.gov.cm. replaces the one that was online since 2010 and goes beyond a mere makeover. It does not imply a complete change of this communication platform, but it does reflect a desire to modernise and enrich it, while seeking more interaction with our visitors.

The missions assigned to my ministerial department have not changed. They remain those contained in Decree N0. 2011/408 of 09 December 2011 on the organisation of the Government signed by the President of the Republic, Head of State, His Excellency Paul BIYA. These missions revolve around two main areas of interest, namely housing and urban development.

According to the decree of 2011, the Minister of Housing and Urban Development "shall monitor the activities of the Orders of Architect, Town Planner and Surveyor professions. They shall work in close collaboration with Regional and Local Authorities and have supervisory authority over the Cameroon Real Estate Corporation (SIC), projects and bodies contributing to housing and urban development.”

As the Head of State said during his swearing-in ceremony before the Parliament, the Supreme Court and the Constitutional Council on 6 November 2018, "the purpose of democracy is to provide the greatest number of people with the best possible living conditions and true equality of opportunity". This serves as background to my work at the helm of MINHDU. The Secretary of State, our staff and I are working day in day out to improve the living conditions of urban populations and to give them access to decent housing at an affordable cost. This immense and exhilarating task is carried out, fortunately, with the participation of the main beneficiaries who are the inhabitants of our cities, through citizens mobilisation to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in general, and SDG 11 in particular.

This is the logic behind the main innovations taken into account and visible in the updating of our website. It is worth noting the advent of numerous interactive sections, such as “Write to the Minister”. In the same line is the Request for information component which allows the user or client looking for information on the activities of my ministerial department to obtain rapid satisfaction by accessing the desired information.

In his General Instruction N0. 002 of 4 June 1998 on government work, the President of the Republic, His Excellency Paul Biya exhorted us to take into account the interests of the population. The citizens must be regularly informed so that they can grasp the motivations and orientations of the action of public authorities. It is the same logic that puts the user/client of the administration at the centre of our action. Through certain links, they are directed to the central and devolved services of our ministry. As an essential component of government work, communication is richly served with the possibility of listening to the micro-programme of our ministerial department, Le Citadin, broadcast on the CRTV national station, reading the colourful pages of our magazine Ma Ville/My City, alongside our Facebook page, Twitter and Youtube accounts.

In this environment of informational opulence, it only remains for me to wish a warm welcome to our beloved website visitors. It is up to my staff to get to work to satisfy the benevolent curiosity of the administration's user/customer, keeping in mind that the customer is king.

Enjoy your visit !
