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Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) and Yaoundé Coeur de Ville Projects: The French Development Agency Reassures

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At the end of its instruction, prospective and supervision mission for the Land Transport portfolio in Cameroon, a mission from the French Development Agency, led by its Cameroon Deputy Director Sylvestre Mang, was granted an audience on 19 July 2024 on the eighth floor of the Ministerial Building N0. 1 housing the central services of the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development. Top on the agenda of the discussions was the restitution of the AFD mission carried out from 10 to 19 July 2024. Seating for the Minister for Housing and Urban Development, Prof Nna Mathurin hailed the visit, which consolidates the convergence of views on the Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) and Yaoundé Coeur de Ville projects funded by the AFD. The mission lauded the progress made on the project thanks to the involvement of the Cameroonian side, progress which concerns the multiple calls for tender relating to the Yaoundé Coeur de Ville, the results of which will trigger the start-up of the project. As far as the BRT is concerned, several studies have already established the length of the line from Olembe to Ahala. What remains is an updated financing study, with the AFD lobbying European Union financiers in advance. 
In conclusion, Professor Nna Mathurin reassured the guests of the day that the resources on both sides will be pooled to ensure the success of these complex and highly ambitious projects, and to consolidate cooperation between Cameroon and France.  


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